Slovensko 18 Photos of The Škocjan Cave System

2002: 16 photos,
2001:  2 photos.
all of them are 400 x 300 pixels in size.

Page, text, photo and (c = copyright) , Daniel Rojšek, Danč, 2001-2024.

The system is presented by photographs of:
- THE SUPERFICIAL PARTS (the karst gorge before the system,
the Velika and the Mala dolina) and
_ the Škocjanska jama,
_ the Miklov skedenj and
_ the Šumeča jama.

The Karst Gorge of Reka, Just Before the 1st Ponor

View from the church of St. Kanzian into the gorge with the Velka voda - Reka river, 5th September, 2002.

The 1st Ponor of the Velka voda - Reka River

View to the ponor (entrance) in the Mahorčić hall of the Škocjanska jama, 9th September, 2002.

The Mala Dolina - the 1st Karst Spring in the System

View from the Tominc path to the spring from the Marinić hall of the Škocjanska jama, 9th September, 2002.

The Mala Dolina

View from the Tominc path to:
- the tectonical evorsion channel of the Velka voda - Reka river,
- the biggest beech tree near the Rečni vodnjak pothole and
- the entrance parts of the Rov and the Marinić hall, 20th October, 2002.

The Mala Dolina

View from the Škocjn to the tectonical evorsion channel, 5th September, 2002.

The Miklov Skedenj - the 2nd Ponor of the Reka River

View from the Velika dolina to the ponor waterfall in short cave, 20th October, 2002.

The Miklov Skedenj - the 2nd Karst Spring of the Reka River

View from the short cave to the Velika dolina (spring chanel and the mouth of the highest waterfall), 9th September, 2002.

The Velika Dolina and the Miklov Skedenj - the 2nd Karst Spring of the Reka River

View from the 3rd ponor to spring waterfalls in short cave and in the Velika dolina, 20th October, 2002.

The Velika Dolina and the Miklov Skedenj - Primula auricula

Biodiversity is manifested by mixing of different botanical species,
in the picture is Alpine species bear's ear (Primula auricula), 20. April, 2002.

The Velika dolina -Sage

Biodiversity is manifested by mixing of different botanical species,
in the picture is Mediterranean species sage (Salvia officinalis), 9th September, 2002.

The Velika Dolina - the 3rd Ponor of the Reka River

Bio- and geo-diversity is manifested also in the ponor part of the Velika dolina, 20th October, 2002.

The Velika Dolina - Entrance of the Schmidl Hall

Bio- and geo-diversity in the Velika dolina and the Schmidl hall, 20th October, 2002.

Ceiling of the Schmidl Hall

Stromatoliths with Venus hair (Adiantum veneris-capillus) on the ceiling 9th September, 2002.

Entrance of the the Tominc Cave

Northern slope of the Velika dolina with entrance of the Tominc cave, 9th September, 2002.

The Tominc Cave

Cave pearls can be seen in the Tominc cave near the entrance, 9th September, 2002.

The Velika Dolina - the 3rd Ponor of the Reka River

View to the last ponor of the Velka voda river, where it finally disappears in the karst underground, 9th September, 2002.

The Šumeča jama, Small Pans on the Path

Small pans are shaped by fast growing of dripstone on the tourist path.
Important is permanent water, 24th November, 2001.

The Šumeča Jama, the Žena

The Žena (woman), anthropomorphical column near the path with Karl Mais, 24th November, 2001.

Page prepared by Daniel Rojšek, Danč at 16th October, 2002.
Date of the last change 3rd August, 2024.
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