The First Hundred Vertical Meters of Ladonova jama
(between SIKSP and three potholes)
2005: 15 photos, all are 600 x 400 pixels in size.
Photo and (c) Daniel Rojšek, 2004-2013,
Robert Rehar, 2005-2013 and
Igor Skočir, 2005-2013.
View from SIKPS Towards the Bottom of the Pothole
P6240559: Through narrow SIKSP one could enter wide 25-30 m
deep pothole,
24th June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Igor Skočir.
The Pothole below SIKSP
04710: View from h4 ledge about 20 m above the bottom of the pothole,
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
8930: Many things could be found on the walls above the bottom of the pothole. On this picture are hierogliphs, residuals of the cave loam on the walls, 24th June, 2005.
Grater and Knife
8957: On walls of the pothole are many sharp rock features, knifes, graters and so on, 24th June, 2005.
Fossilsed Shells
8953: On the bottom of the pothole majority of rocks are composed of limestone with fossilised Megalodontidae shells, 24th June, 2005.
Dissecting Rock
8936: One could find also a rock composed of mixture of limestone nad dolomite, which dissects into stones with sharp edges, 24th June, 2005.
Smiljan and "Orion Nebula"
04674: Above Smiljan is something like "Orion Nebula",
on the bottom of the pothole bellow PVRV=Passage of Robi's Exultation
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
The Passage of Robi's Exultation
8919: Passage of Robi's Exultation (PVRV) developed between the wall and big collapsed blocks, 24th June, 2005.
The 1st Photo about Outstretching PVRV
04641: Smiljan and Igor trying to pull a rock out of
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
The 2nd Photo about Outstretching of PVRV
04643: Smiljan and Igor have pulled out a the rock with a rope without
sucess. They were sucessful with help of Robi,
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
View to Depth through PVRV
8541: Through vertical PVRV one could reach ledge of choked blocks, about 3 m lower, where Smiljan and Igor are staying, 24th June, 2005.
View Upwards Through PVRV
P6240562: Narrow passage of PVRV also represents troubles on
the way upwards,
24th June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Igor Skočir.
The Pothole Below PVRV
04647: Igor is ascending from the bottom of the pothole,
about 100 m deep, 3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
Cave Pearls
04666: Cave pearls one could find in Ladonova jama about 100 m deep,
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
View Towars New Parts ?
04650: Igor is looking towars new parts, from the
rock on the bottom of the pothole below PVRV,
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
The page from the 2nd July, 2005
by Daniel Rojšek.
The last change from 24th March, 2013.
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