We marked directions of profiles by
variegated tapes.
The tapes were fixed with
nails and in ice intersting circular cracks
Primož, Matevž and Blaž consult themselves where to start.
Matevž on the other side and Blaž with measurement tape
and Primož measure distance
between the Grlo and rocks in the
Kristalna dvorana.
Low passage was not a balk for the
Study, also this time. In action Blaž with antenna, Matavž
with computer and battery in rucksack.
Mans established that the work is
comfortable, because there are no interferences
by bushes with thorns here. Not saying
anything about frost, humidity, total darkness and weight of equipment.
Comfort is comfort!
The end is the best at work. Matevž
climbed out with heavy rucksack.
At "horizon" above Matevž shines daylihgt.
Primož took a photo of Blaž on the right
hand side and subscribed.
Ice melted for 2 m from the wall. A
caution is needed that any body not fell 10 m deep.
The easiest access to the cross section of
the ice is shown in the picture. In the Vhodna
dvorana it is hardly possible to see ice, because it is
covered by rocks. Work with radar is not possible.
On this picture and
the last one from the year 2004
One could see that surface of the ice lowered for
about a meter in the last four years.
There is a few of snow (about 20 cm), and warm wether with
rain melts it quickly.
Velika ledena jama v Paradani -
The Second Study
of Cave Ice
with Georadar
Wednesday, 9th January, 2008
15+3 pictures, also with less serious titles and comments,
all of them are 600 x 450 pixels in size.
Page, text, photo and (c = copyright) , Daniel Rojšek, Danč,
Primož with Tapes
Studyed by:
Primož Komel, head of the Study -
Geoinženiring, d.o.o., Ljubljana,
Matevž Pavlič -
Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.o.o., Ljubljana,
Blaž Praznik -
Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.o.o., Ljubljana, and
Daniel Rojšek,
Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave,
Območna enota Nova Gorica.
Page prepared by
Daniel Rojšek, Danč
at 14th January, 2008.
Date of the last change 3rd August, 2024.
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