About the Locality of
Hladnikia Pastinacifolia
in the Gully of Golobnca

2020, pictures,
all of them are 800 x 600 pixels in size.

Photo and (c) Daniel Rojšek, Danč, 2020-2024.

   The left and right side are mentioned in several places in the text. It is determined according to the direction of the water flow, although these torrents are dry most of the year.
   In mid-October 2020, Blaž Belhar, foreman at the company Feniks +, ltd, from Tržič, changed clothes on the bridge after a working day.

The wind blew and took his pants to the gully. He climbed into it and picked up his pants and while doing so observed and photographed beautiful specimens of the Hladnikia. At the first meeting on Wednesday, 18th October, he happily reported to me about his observation and showed me pictures, and then from the bridge several extremely beautiful, very large and strong plants with much stronger leaves than that ones near the road.

The news of the discovery in the gully was told to botanists Elvica Velikonja and Dr. Igor Dakskobler, who informed me that we had discovered new locality. Later we found out that the locality is not new, because the gully is called Golobnca and it was cited in the botanical works of Boško Čušin (2004), Nina Šajna Tatjana Kavar, Jelka Šuštar - Vozlič and Mitja Kaligarič (2011).
I decided to descend in the gully at the first favorable opportunity to look at the plants and to determe the boundaries of the site. Blaž offered me protection by rope during the climbing in the gully.
    On Thursday, 29th October the weather was perfect for the planned work. Immediately after the meeting at the construction site, Blaž protected me with rope while climbing wedges above the bridge and offered to accompany me. I didn't need this, as the gully is mostly not overly steep, so I took a look at it myself and determined the boundaries of the site.
   First, I climbed the left gravel part of the gully to a rock step about 30 m above the bridge, or 845 m above sea level.

Plants grow on gravel,

in the rock cracks in the walls and

at the bottom of the gully and in the torrent bed, where the water even uncovered their roots.

Plants are also found in the right, rocky part of the gully in the cracks. Due to the steep bottom, I did not climb as high as in left part. I assumed that Hladnikia grows in the gravel and rock crcks to the top of the gully or altitude of about 900 m.
   I went down the right gravel part of the chute, about 5 m above the bottom of the torrent bed. There are many plants both on the gravel and in the bed, where they found shelter from the rushing water under the rocks. The lowest I noticed three plants, already in the wooded, right side of the chute. There is a small rock-gravel patch, with rare branches of the surrounding trees above it. All three thrive among gravel and rare grasses in semi-shade, 715 m above sea level.

A little higher, about 5 m away, I noticed a plant with flowers and young seeds among the pines.

I have seen flowering plants in autumn time. Most of them bloomed in the spring and dropped their seeds, I saw the remains of stems and umbels. The autumn ones bloomed after the prolonged summer drought when the warm early autumn rains came and encouraged them to bloom.
   I climbed up the right side of the chute, which is more overgrown with trees and bushes than the left. Also on the right there are dozens of beautiful plants, both on the gravel and in the rock cracks in the walls.

   In the chute, I also saw the grass-leaved scabious (Scabiosa graminifolia) and the Hladnikia growing right together.

Due to more water, the scabious grows abundantly. On the other hand, those growing in a gravel and on the rocks next to the nearby torrent are smaller and grayer, as they are forced to conserve modest amounts of water.

There are significantly fewer leaves than in the neighboring gully. They are also distinctly silver gray in color (more so than the CCD "saw"). The growing site is really very dry,
Wednesday, 2nd September, 2020.

   There are many beautiful mountain cowslip or bear's ear (Primula auricula) growing along the walls near the Hladnikia, one specimen in the gully under the bridge surprised me as it grows in the shade of a willow tree and is overflowed by high torrential waters.

   On the shaded gravel in the lower part of the gully, along with Hladnikia, also beautiful specimens of helleborine (Epipactis sp) grow.

   On Thursday, 5th November, immediately after the meeting at the construction site, I went to the lower forest road, and from there I climbed into the gully. I found the lowest plants on gravel overgrown with rare trees and bushes and in rock crevices of limestone-dolomite "stumps" on the left side of the gully, about 705 m above sea level.

Then I went to the right, a steep slope near the gully, where there are exposed rocks among a sparse pine forest with grass in the undergrowth.

V very beautiful plants grows in this semi-shaded environment (approx. 720 m above sea).

   On Tuesday, 10th November, Blaž and I went to the steep upper part of the gully, which is impassable without climbing. Blaž guided and protected me with rope, because he had looked at the slope the day before and informed me that he saw the highest Hladnikias in a patch of small gravel right at the top of the gully. We climbed into it from the neighboring torrent, climbed the intermediate ridge and descended above the rock step, where I climbed for the first time from under the bridge without climbing. The bottom of the gully consists of gravel and rocks up to a cubic meter in size. There are many strong plants, similar to under the rock step. From here we climbed into the main, widest and steepest part of the gully. The steep, in places precipitous, rocky slope is crossed in several places by intermediate, gravelly shelves, where it is possible to walk comfortably, and in between to climb rock jumps. Grasses and rare, small trees grow in the dense parts.

in between we find many, very nice examples of Hladnikia.

Here, too, I noticed plants whose roots had been uncovered by the torrential water, when it carried away the gravel. Below the top, the gully ends with partly overhanging rock step. Below it is a small shelter with beautiful mountain cowslip or bear's ear (Primula auricula).

During this drought of the year 2020, their leaves completely dried up and turned brown. I haven't seen it yet. The early autumn rain revived the Auriculas and they were sprouted small, compact, grey-green shoots.

Three plants grow at the top of the gulley in an extremely picturesque environment above the upper overhanging rock wall, under a beautiful rock formation;

one nested among the fine gravel, and two among the grass on the right side of the narrow rock gully (approx. 925 m above sea level).

   On Tuesday, 17th November, I looked at a plant that set seeds on one umbel on 29th October and flowered on five.

All the seeds were still green, and there were fresh flowers on two of small umbels, nineteen days later.

   A lot of snow fell and the strong burja wind caused snowdrifts, at the beginning of December. Then the south wind came and melted the snow cover. All that remained were the snowdrifts. Umbels were sticking out from the remains of the snowdrift, on Thursday, 17th December.

   A week later, the remains of the snowdrifts were gone. This plant still had many green leaves and

at the sight of almost ripe seeds.

   The south wind melted the snow cover also along the road. There were surprisingly many plants with green leaves.
The lower one has interestingly shaped leaves:

   In between there was here and there a very young pannt where the ground leaves are still single:

   Unfortunately, this site of Hladnikia and other protected plants was also a "convenient" waste disposal site, as they were thrown into it from the bridge. The most disgusting were the bags with offal, which smell scaring. This gully is one of the spring branches of the Lokavšček brook, 300 meters below is a water catchment, therefore and because of the Hladnikia, the waste from the gulley were removed by order of the Ajdovščina municipal administration. What happened with the placement of warnings about the prohibition of waste disposal I do not know.
   The extreme borders of the site in the gully where I saw the plants -
- upper (Z=approximately 925 m),
- the upper one above the bridge. The border can be reached without climbing (Z=approximately 845 m),
- lower (Z=approximately 705 m).
Z stands for altitude.

Blaž also showed me -
- plants in the gully above the upper tunnel (Z=approximately 830 m) and
- along the small walls about 25 m above the road between the middle tunnel and the bridge.

I would like to thank very much to -
- Blaž Belhar for the report about Hladnikia in Golobnca, guidance and protection with rope,
- Dr. Igor Dakskobler for expert articles and explanations about Hladnikia and
- Elvica Velikonja for the contribution about the name Golobnca

In Nova Gorica, 25th November, 3rd and 18th December, 2020.

Translated on Saturday, 22nd June, 2024.