2004, 6 pictures,
The Cave of Ladon -
from the Way to the Entrance
2005, 4 pictures.
All of the pictures are 600 x 400 pixels in size.
Photo and (c) Daniel Rojšek, 2004-2013 and
Robert Rehar, 2005-2013.
The 1st Picture from the Way to the Cave
3456: At Visoka škarpa (high wall) was about one meter and a half of snow, 4th April, 2004.
The 2nd Picture from the Way to the Cave
3457: "Medvedji motel" ("Bear's Motel") was empty, 4th April, 2004.
Snowless Land above the Entrance
3463: Cave air from blowingholes at area of more than 200 m2 melted about 3 m deep snow cover, 4th April, 2004.
Snowless Land below the Entrance
3475: Cave air from blowingholes also melted some hundreds m2 about 3 m deep snow cover below the entrance, 4th April, 2004.
The Entrance from above
The Entrance from side
3478: At snowless area cave air of 6.6o C. melted snow cover, 4th April, 2004.
Jam at the Entrance
8532: Smiljan is observed by Božo Remškar and his sons Jakob and Bor, 13th May, 2005.
The "Empty" Entrance
8534: Rope was installed because of safety reasons, 13th May, 2005.
04615: Smiljan and Igor (from the left to the right hand side)
are preparing themselves for descending the cave,
3rd June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
Smiljan, Igor and "Stone Man" near the Entrance
"At the hour of ghosts" cavers have returned from dephts and Robi photographed "all men" (from the left to the right hand side),
3rd-4th, June, 2005.
Photo and (c) Robert Rehar.
The page from 30th June, 2005 by Daniel Rojšek.
The last change from 24th March, 2013.
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