Slovensko    Velika ledena jama v Paradani -
the First Study of Cave Ice with Georadar,
Thursday, 23rd December, 2004
14 pictures, also with less serious titles and comments,
all of them are 600 x 450 pixels in size.
Page, text, photo and (c = copyright) , Daniel Rojšek, Danč, 2004-2024.


In the beginning meters and direction of profiles were defined.

First Troubles?

Water in ice deteriorate data, adhesive tape "do not grip" on ice ...

Ice, Meters, Tape and Wood

The first meter is the most important ?

Radar do not Wont to Work

Would be? Where is te fault? To hell! #, @, &, ...

Ice and Water

Despite frost there were some water drops.

At the Entance of Kristalna dvorana

Low passage was not a balk for the Study.

Parallel Profile

Stones were used for designation of lenghts instead of adhesive tape.

"Grooved" Ice

Ice was "thorough grooved" by crampons, but after the 28th Dec., 2004 thaw ice become smooth again.

The Last Parallel Profile

The End of the First Transversal Profile

The Second Transversal Profile

Study at Vhodna dvorana

Ice almost could not be seen, "outgrowths" of stones and rocks provoked troubles.

Display of Equipment

Has been our Study successful ? Have interruptions spoiled our work ?

The End of Study

The Study was not successful, so it was repeated on Wednesday, 9th January, 2008.

Studyed by:
   Marjeta Car, head of the Study - Geoinženiring, d.o.o., Ljubljana,
   Primož Komel - Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, d.o.o., Ljubljana,
   Smiljan Brešan - SirenaSub, Nova Gorica and
   Daniel Rojšek, Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave,
Območna enota Nova Gorica

Page prepared by Daniel Rojšek, Danč at 9th April, 2005.
Date of the last change 3rd August, 2024.
Your comments are welcome.

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